Tuesday, June 15


(breakfast here please!  photo from fine little day)

I love that stripey swing in the picture.  I love how the cuppa sits there, waiting for me to sit down and drink it  ;)

What are you up to today?
Google has added a bunch of bells and whistles to the blog options so you may be seeing me try out new things over the next while.  Writing this way is one of them.
I just got a call from new-work that my lady 'pip'(my nickname for her:  pretty in pink) is sick today.  So I'm to go into the head office to do paperwork.  The only thing concerning in regards to this IS - my hours will not be consistent AS I was told I may get sent home early once paperwork is done.  Hmmmmm.  New to all of this and I think usually they plug you in with someone else, but so far I'm not trained to be with anyone else.  Hmmmmm.  We'll see what shakes down.  I was all ready to go to the gym.  Ah well.  Pip get better soon!

The sun was out this past weekend - glorious!  I cut back the tree in front and the tree on the side of the house - and the tree in the back come to think of it......did some gardening.....didn't have to water ;)......It just lifts my mood, seeing dear sun and basking in him.  Don't you find this?  You don't realize how affecting it is until the sun peeps out again and it's like:  oh yeah! 

I have an ASL story to make up this week and practice - final on saturday!  eeps!  Its got me belly a bit squiggly - nervous!  But I will push on through that and just make sure I get lots of sleep and study time.  GW's and Hubs will head over on Friday night for some games/firepit action.  Looking forward to that!  Huzzy took his pops to physio this am so left early.  I've got Sheryl Crow on the 'boombox' and am doing emails.  Tis my am ritual.  I feel like I'm getting into a way of doing things with this new job - I get things more organized the night before or first thing in the morning and then can do my 'usual' emailing, breakfast, chat with Huzzy, go out and garden a bit. 

Have a lovely one!  come on over for a cuppa ;) We'll sit in the picture above.......

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