Saturday, April 10

sign language

(image from

I like that. What that says. Life is too short, no? Takes awhile to pedal-up to bravery. To risk and keep taking a risk. That is my experience anyway. Fears-shmeers. It's been an 'age' thing for me. But also a 'realization' of who I am and have been all along. My aren't I spewing wise-ness this morning? (better than spewing other things......I am feeling much better today).

I'm off to my first ASL class. Beginners ASL. It is four hours long. I wonder what goofy things I will end up signing. ha. You have to be willing to be a bona-fida-dorka-dorka when you learn a new language. Make mistakes and not feel 'stupid' but just realize it is funny and is fun. Not be so serious-o.

Huzzy will drop me off and pick me up. He is using the truck to get some woodchips for the yard and to do a groc-shop. Have a dorka-dorka day dearies - do something new and make mistakes. It will make you humble like a bumble.

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