Wednesday, April 7

Capt Crunch

Eating Cap'n Crunch for breakfast. Huzzy bought it. I'm eating it ;) Can you say melt your teeth with sugary goodness?

After being off for four days at the Greenhouse this mama is one 'rigamortis' kind of woman. Standing on your feet all day DOES apparently affect your bones. And muscles. O this getting older business. We sold alot of plugs yesterday - alot of lovely older people. People are getting spring fever. Some of the single tomato plants are blooming! (and they shouldn't be - not yet!).

Do you ever wonder where people go? I sit on the bus and wonder that sometimes. Even at home - at the same times during the day - an older lady goes by on our street and comes back later in the day. One day I will talk to her and ask her where she goes....ha. Do you think she'll tell me? I think she goes to visit a friend or volunteer or work for the afternoon. Maybe she's tending to a grow-op? Imagine. She is most likely late 70's or into her 80's.

Off I go - the cap'n is losing his crunch so must eat him......have a happy hump day. Or a humpy hump day or whatever kind of hump day you want ;)

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