Monday, March 29

early morn

I seem to be getting up earlier. The sun isn't even up yet and it is 6 am. I officially got out of bed at '5:55'. I think this Greenhouse job is having other perks - and indeed it is like being a farm-girl (or so I think....). I don't need a rooster to get me up though. ;)

I have CBC on the radio and they just announced it was going to be 15 or so out today. Yippeedooo. Huzzy was also saying that they opened the floodgates yesterday. He said he may have to head to MOrris today (they get flooded every year..)Huzzy works in the news industry.

I will bring my hat to work today. WE may have to do more plastic-tray-cutting...I'm not sure that my 'craw' can take it. My right hand is still not quite right after the last round of doing that. We'll see and take it as it comes. I wonder if there are any orders that will be picked up today.

Off I go to make coffee. Huzzy isn't even up yet (egads!). I"m liking this radio-quiet-clickety-click-computer-time.....have a lovely one - did get the bike out for a short ride-about yesterday! Dinged the bell even. Cheerio dearios!

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